I am not denying the fact that many people can love it. Okey, so apparently this is a comedy! Did it made me laugh? Yes, it did, just a few times. (Then there was the mother who brought her young child to the showing that I attended.) … Expand Most of the rest of the movie, as others have suggested, was mostly a mixture of torture and mind-numbing cliches than anything else.
Is Hollywood's view of women so negative that a scene of an overweight woman taking a **** on a sink and other women puking on each other is considered progress? The only funny sequence in the movie was that of Kristen Wiig (who can, upon occasion, be funny) trying to get Chris O'Dowd to arrest her because of the various ways in which she's breaking the law with her driving, and the only slightly touching feature was the relationship between Wiig and O'Dowd. (Judd Apatow has, after all, become, the cultural barometer of our time.) The fact that several leading citiics found bathroom humor, upchucking, raunchy sexual scenes, temper tantrums, and other bad outtakes from (the past decade of) Saturday Night Live to be funny, insightful, or otherwise groundbreaking, simply because it was about women (and because the upchucking was just "implied"), may be an indication that the end of the world (or at least the end of the civilized world) is coming (despite the failed prediction of Harold Camping). (Judd Apatow has, after all, become, the cultural barometer of our time.) The fact that several leading citiics found bathroom humor, The fact that the general public loved this movie is awfully depressing, but not at all surprising. The fact that the general public loved this movie is awfully depressing, but not at all surprising. To add insult to injury, I'm quite confident I can predict the ending so I'm glad I don't need to watch the rest of it. Perhaps somebody finds that funny but I'm simply appalled. This film does do an excellent job of painting women as spiteful, petty, helpless, vulgar, and foul. The only memorable parts of this travesty that I'm unable to forget are colored with vulgarity and long embarrassing jokes that are simply uncomfortable to watch. I watched the movie up to the point where the vile females vomit on each other, another purges her bowels in the sink, and the bride-to-be squats in the street to release her bowels while wearing a wedding dress. Then again, perhaps it was the look of repulsed horror on my face that changed her mind. However, I find it rather telling that the friend who insisted I watch it with her was far less amused the second time she watched it. I've heard from many friends who said it was funny. I'm shocked this movie was reviewed as well as it was. The vomit and diarrhea scene was so shockingly not funny that nothing else would redeem this cinematic catastrophe. I might have given it a marginally higher score but I couldn't finish it therefore, it receives a 0.

The woman certainly has a body, as evidenced by some of her outfits in The Big Bang Theory, and on red carpet events, and this just goes to show you that she also has legs for days and isn’t afraid to wear some tempting gear under her dresses.This was terrible. This edgy photo shows Melissa, or Bernadette, posing for the camera in a position that could be considered tempting. Known for her kindness and sweetness on The Big Bang Theory, there are some pictures out there of the hot momma (she had a baby girl in 2017) that CBS would probably like to keep hidden.

But she delivers the best breakthrough comedic performance by an actress since Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids.” Variety wrote, “Rauch, who co-wrote the screenplay with her husband Winston, has never carried a film before. She was in True Blood, The Office, Wright v Wrong, the film I Love You, Man, and even co-wrote and co-produced her own film, The Bronze, which garnered a great response at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. Most people know Melissa Rauch as the sweet, high-pitched, purring Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz from The Big Bang Theory, but she’s been in a whole bunch of other things you might not know about, too.